Butterfly Fish Facts and Information - ListAnimals

Butterfly Fish Facts and Information - ListAnimals

Butterfly fish is a kind of marine fish. There are 120 types of the butterfly fish that can be found in tropical and subtropical areas of the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic Ocean. Butterfly Fish more about information in this page.

Butterfly Fish Quick Facts

Common NameButterfly fish
Scientific NameChaetodontidae
OriginAtlantic, Indian, Pacific Oceans
Skin TypeScales 
HabitatTropical coral reefs
Favourite FoodPlankton 
Size (L)7cm - 15cm (3in - 6in)      
ColourBlack, White, Yellow, Orange, Silver
Water TypeSalt
PreyPlankton, Coral, Crustaceans 
PredatorsFish, Eels, Sharks
Average Clutch Size       200
Lifespan6 - 12 years

Interesting Butterfly Fish Facts:

  • Contingent upon the species, butterfly fish fluctuate in size from 3 to 6 crawls long. Certain species may grow up to 8 inches.
  • Butterfly fish is named that path on account of the alluring tinge of their body. They can be dark, orange, yellow, red, silver and white in shading, with various sort of spots and examples on their body.
  • Numerous types of the butterfly fish have dark stripes over their eyes and eye-like spots on the body. The two stripes and spots serve to confound the predators and permit butterfly fish to escape on schedule.
  • Butterfly fish has straightened plate formed body. It has round tail and continuous dorsal balance.
  • Another interesting component on the body is extended nose. It causes the fish to arrive at the food from the hole of rocks.
  • Butterfly fish is an omnivore (eats both meat and plants). It eats various kinds of green growth and ocean growth, worms, little scavangers and zooplankton.
  • Butterfly fish for the most part swims in the shallow water (up to 65 feet), since it eats creatures and green growth that can be found in this segment of water.
  • Butterfly fish has a great deal of predators. Enormous fish, sharks and eels regularly go after butterfly fish.
  • Butterfly fish are diurnal creatures (dynamic during the day). They take a rest in the corals and rock fissure during the night.
  • Most butterfly fish live in bigger gatherings called schools.
  • Certain butterfly fish are singular until they discover a mating accomplice. At the point when they discover an accomplice, they travel, chase and mate together for the remainder of their lives.
  • Butterfly fish brings forth at the sunset (when the perceivability is low) to build the endurance pace of her eggs.
  • Discharged eggs become some portion of the tiny fish. The vast majority of them will be eaten by creatures that feed on tiny fish. Infant of the butterfly fish is known as "fry".
  • Since they are exceptionally small and helpless during childbirth, babies create defensive layer plates which ensure their bodies until they develop and get more grounded.
  • Normal life expectancy of the butterfly fish in the wild is 7 years. They live somewhere in the range of 8 and 10 years in the imprisonment.

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