African palm civet - Facts and Information - Listanimals

African palm civet - Facts and Information - Listanimals

The African palm civet , also referred to as the two-spotted palm civet , may be a small feliform mammal cosmopolitan in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Quick Facts

Common Name African Palm Civet
Scientific Name Nandinia binotata
Group Mammal
Location Eastern Africa 
Habitat Tropical rainforest
Colour Black, White, Grey, Yellow, Brown, Tan 
Size (L) 43cm - 71cm (17in - 28in)
Weight 1.4kg - 4.5kg (3lbs - 10lbs)
Top Speed 24kph (15mph)
Diet Omnivore
Prey Rodents, Snakes, Frogs 
Predators  Lions, Snakes, Leopards
Lifestyle  Crepuscular
Lifespan 15 - 20 years
Age of Sexual Maturity  2 - 3 years

African palm civet Facts

African palm civet is little forest-dwelling mammal that belongs to the Nandiniidae family. There are 4 subspecies of African palm cat which will be found within the eastern and central parts of Africa.

African palm civet inhabits tropical rainforests, deciduous forests, savanna woodlands and mountainous forests. Even though it's often hunted as a source of meat and fur, the most important threat for its survival is accelerated habitat loss. Despite these factors, population of African palm civets remains large and stable.

Interesting African palm civet Facts:

  • African palm civet can reach 17 to twenty-eight inches long and three to 10 pounds of weight.
  • African palm civet has thick, brown to yellowish-brown fur covered with dark brown spots.
  • African palm civet has pointed muzzle, small, round ears, elongated body, short, muscular legs and long sturdy tail.
  • African palm civet is an omnivore. Its diet is predicated on fruit (pineapples, figs, sugar plums...), lizards, small birds, frogs, rodents, insects and carrion.
  • African palm civet holds the prey with its front feet and kills it with several repeated bites. It swallows small prey in one piece.
  • African palm civet is assessed as pest in agricultural areas because it attacks chickens, turkeys, young goats and lambs.
  • African palm civet is active during the night. It rests in the holes in the trees or in between branches and vines during the day.
  • African palm civet is solitary animal. It are often occasionally seen in groups of up to fifteen animals when food is plentiful.
  • Natural enemies of African palm civet are lions, leopards, snakes and crocodiles.
  • Both males and females use glands on the feet and belly to mark their territory and find partners for mating. Aside via smell, African palm civets communicate with one another via hooting calls, meowing and clicking sounds. They are also able to purr, growl and bark.
  • Mating season of African palm civet takes place twice per annum , during the May and October (during the rainy season).
  • Males mate with few females. Pregnancy lasts 64 days and ends with 1 to 4 babies (2 on average). Young African palm civets depend upon the milk until the age of 60 days. After that period, they're able to hunt and collect food along side their mother.
  • Females secrete yellowish-orange substance from their mammary glands and use it to hide belly and fur of their babies. Bright yellow fur is perhaps a sign that female isn't able to mate.
  • Young African palm civets reach sexual maturity at the age of two to three years.
  • African palm civet can survive up to fifteen years within the wild and up to 21 years within the captivity.
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