Akita - Facts and Information - ListAnimals

Akita - Facts and Information - ListAnimals

Akita is a large breed of dog that originates in the mountains of northern Japan. There are two types of Akita: Japanese Stresser, commonly known as Akita Inu or Japanese Akita, and American Stress, also known as Akita or American Akita.

Quick Facts

Common Name Akita
Origin Japan
Group Dog
Average Size (H) 71cm (28in)
Average Weight 50kg (110lbs)
Average Lifespan 10 years
Colour Black, Brown, White, Grey


Akita is named after Akita Prefecture in northern Japan, where it is thought to have originated. Akita's famous existence dates back to the 1600s, when he defended the Japanese monarchy and used it to hunt birds and large game (including bears).

This brave race was introduced to America by a woman of small stature: Helen Keller. The Japanese honored Helen Keller and took her to Shibuyu. In the 1920s, the statue of Hachiko was shown around the world. Professor Hachiko, the owner, returns from work every evening at 3:00 pm and his devoted dog meets him at the train station every day. When the professor died, the faithful Hachiko remained on a daily alert until his death a decade later.

When Helen Keller expressed her desire to have Akita herself, she was gifted a puppy and brought to America for the first time. Keller was happy with Kamikaze-Go, and he suffered when he died of a disruption at an early age. On hearing the news, the Japanese government officially presented her to Kamikaze's brother, Kansan-gok. Keller later wrote that Kamikaze was a "hairy angel" and that the Akita type was "gentle, friendly and loyal."

After World War II, American soldiers in Japan returned and brought back more Akitas. Thomas Boyd is credited with building the first Akita stud in the US since 1956. The American Akita eventually evolved into a stronger dog than the Japanese Akita, and for this reason are highly valued.

There are those who still want to follow Japanese standards. The split caused decades of conflict, which delayed the approval of the American Kennel Club. Finally, in 1972, AKC accepted the Akita Club of America, but the division was still widespread, which was a major concern for both sides of Akita fans.

The combination of Akita's historical and popular fearlessness and loyalty is never discussed. These features were once tested when the Sumatran tiger was an orphan at the London Zoo. Zookeepers need special help to raise children, and they chose an indoor dog for this important mission. They know that Akita is not afraid and can take part in a game that requires tiger life lessons. Not only that, Akita's thick fur protects him from sharp claws, and the dog provides the protection and protection necessary for an orphaned child who fears the inherent loyalty of his playmate. Akita successfully retired from this role as a tiger adult.

It is truly a fearless and faith-filled dog and an unwavering devotion to family.


Akita is a brave and temperamental dog, naturally alert to strangers, but very loyal to her family. They are vigilant, intelligent and brave. They are aggressive towards other dogs, especially gay people. These are well suited for the dog family.

With her family, Akita is passionate and playful. They enjoy their family friendship and want to get involved in daily activities. They enjoy opening their mouths and carrying toys and household goods. Despite the common belief that they will cry forever, they have a voice, a murmur, and a mourning voice, and yes, they will cry if they believe the situation is necessary.

Be aware, Akita's strong personality is overwhelming. They are not the first dog to own and they are not shy. They need a master who can give them strong, loving, and disciplined discipline.


Akita is happy and doing great with her family. This type is not hyper, but they need daily exercise. An Akita can take anywhere from thirty minutes to an hour; Speeding, jogging (for a dog more than two years old) and walking around the yard are favorite activities. Considering Akita's aggressive tendency towards other dogs, visiting a dog park is not a good idea.

Due to the high intelligence of this item, varietal routine is best. What you don't need is boring Akita. This leads to behavioral problems such as biting, digging, chewing and attacking. Engage Akita with family activities and do not leave them alone for long.

A safe fence yard is important, and for the safety of Akita's and strangers, their turf may be wrong. If the visitor's family is at home, they are usually not aggressive, but if their owners are not close, all bets are off. Akita is a trusted guardian and protects anything they consider to be a threat.

Care should be taken when raising an aging puppy. These dogs can grow very fast for up to four months, causing the bones to lose. They do well with a high quality, low calorie diet that prevents them from growing too fast. Also, don't allow your inner dog to run and play on rough surfaces like sidewalks; The general game of grass is good. Avoid forced jumping or jogging (puppy agility classes, their one-inch jumps are best) until the dog is at least two years old and their joints are fully formed.


Recommended daily amount: 3 to 5 cups of high quality dry meals per day

Note: How much your adult dog eats depends on their size, age, structure, metabolism and activity level. Dogs are people just like humans, and not everyone needs the same kind of food. It goes without saying that a very active dog needs more than a couch potato dog. The quality of the dog food you buy can make a difference, how good the dog food is, how little it is going to feed your dog, and how little your dog needs to move the bowl.

Talk to your veterinarian about preparing the right food for your individual dog.

Children and other pets

Adults should always monitor the interaction between dogs and children, which is especially true for this breed. No child can be a trusted guardian or playmate more than Akita, but a badly behaved Akita can become a liability and endanger your child's life. It is essential to teach young people with respect and kindness in all interactions with dogs. Playing with dogs and children should always be monitored, even with well-trained dogs.

It is ideal for families with older children. However, they usually need to be in a pet's house because they can attack other dogs and get into other pets if not properly trained.

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