African penguins - Fact and Information - Listanimals

African penguins - Fact and Information - Listanimals

The African penguin, also known as the Cape penguin, and South African penguin, is a species of penguin confined to southern African waters.

Quick Facts

Common Name African Penguin
Scientific Name Spheniscus demersus
Group Bird
Location south-west African coast 
Habitat Rocky Ocean Islands
Colour Black, White, Grey 
Size (L) 60cm - 68cm (24in - 27in)
Weight 2kg - 5kg (4.4lbs - 11lbs)
Top Speed 20kph (12.4mph)
Diet Carnivore
Prey Fish, Squid, Crustaceans 
Predators Sharks, Fur Seals, Gulls
Lifestyle Diurnal
Lifespan 10 - 15 years
Age of Sexual Maturity  3 - 4 years

African penguin

African penguin is little to medium-sized species of penguin. It is found on the south-western coast of Africa, on the 24 islands from Namibia to Algoa Bay. this can be the sole species of penguin which will survive in warm (non-freezing) areas. African penguin is classed as endangered thanks to uncontrolled harvest of eggs and guano (which is employed as fertilizer), lack of food, diseases and oil spills.

Interesting African penguin Facts:

  • African penguin can reach 24 to twenty-eight inches tall and 4.9 to 7.7 pounds of weight. Males are slightly larger than females.
  • African penguin has black back and white belly. Narrow black stripe and black spots on the ventral side of the body is used for identification of individual African penguins.
  • African penguin has sharply pointed, black beak, streamlined body and huge, black feet. it's pink glands above the eyes which play role in thermoregulation. When temperature is high, glands become enlarged and dark pink-colored thanks to increased blood flow into the glands, which is cooled down by surrounding air.
  • African penguin hides within the burrows during the day to avoid sun. It emerges at dusk and dawn to search out food.
  • Diet of African penguin relies on fish, squid and crustaceans. During the molting period (which lasts 20 days) it loses nearly 50% of weight because it cannot swim and find food without waterproof feathers.
  • African penguin can travel distance of 68 miles to search out food. It can dive to a depth of 98 feet and remain submerged up to 2.5 minutes during the hunt.
  • An average swimming speed of African penguin is 4 miles per hour, but it can accelerate to 12 miles per hour when it must shake the predator.
  • Natural enemies of African penguins are sharks, killer whales and Cape fur seals. Eggs and chicks are on a target of mongooses, genets and gulls.
  • Mating season of African penguins takes place from March to May in African nation, and from November to December in Namibia.
  • African penguin sleep in large colonies on the rocky shores during the breeding season.
  • Males and females produce loud, donkey-like calls as a component of courtship, hence the nickname "jackass penguin". Formed couples last for a lifetime. Regular grooming strengthens bonds between the couples.
  • African penguins use guano to create nests. Female lays 2 eggs that hatch after 38 to 42 days. Both parents participate within the incubation of eggs and rearing of chicks.
  • Young African penguins are ready for the independent life at the age of three to five months.
  • Females reach sexual maturity at the age of 4 years, males at the age of 5 years.
  • African penguin can survive 10 to 11 years within the wild and up to 30 years within the captivity.

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