African tree Toad - Facts and Information - listanimals

African tree Toad - Facts and Information - listanimals

African tree Toad is tiny amphibian that belongs to the family of true toads (Bufonidae). There are two subspecies of African tree Toad that may be found within the West and Central African Republic.

Quick Facts

Common Name African tree Toad
Scientific Name Nectophryne afra
Group Amphibian 
Location Central Africa 
Habitat Tropical lowland forest 
Colour Brown, Black, White, Tan 
Size (L) 2.5cm - 3.8cm (1in - 1.5in) 
Weight 2g - 5g (0.07oz - 0.18oz)
Top Speed 8km/h (5mph) 
Diet Carnivore 
Prey Insects, Worms, Snails 
Predators  Fish, Toads, Birds 
Lifestyle  Solitary 
Lifespan 3 - 5 years 
Average Spawn Size  100

African tree toads, or Nectophryne afra, are atiny low toad species native to lowland forests of West and Central African Republic, and a part of the Bufonidae family. Despite being one in every of the smallest amount threatened species, African tree toads are continuously decreasing in number thanks to habitat loss.

African tree toads are found in national parks, like the Korup park, Monte Alén park, and Virunga park.

Key Facts & Information

  • African tree Toad have two subspecies: African tree Toad and therefore the Bates’ tree toad. Both are the identical size and color but differ in geographical location.
  • These little toads are a part of the family Bufonidae, class Amphibia, Chordata, animal kingdom, and genus Nectophryne.


  • The Toad range from dark to brown in color, with patches of white on their belly.
  • They have long and thin toes that have circular disc patterns on the front tips. Their toes are widely separated so as for the African Tree toads to get stronger grips in large surface areas.
  • African Tree toads have atiny low body with distinct partially webbed feet.
  • African tree toads are tiny striped toad species, with adults reaching 2.5 cm to 3.8 cm long. they'll reach 0.07 to 0.18 ounces in weight.


  • African tree toads camouflage well in their surroundings. Their size and skin markings make them very difficult to identify on the forest floor.
  • They are semi-aquatic animals, similar to the other toad. they're terrestrial by day and go back to high vegetation by night to remain safe from their natural predators.
  • Their distinct feet help them to steer and mount up the bottom, where they're able to hunt for food and water.
  • These toads are often found within the water outside the breeding season.
  • The African tree toad’s semi-webbed feet make it well adapted to its land- and water-based lifestyle.


  • Female African tree toads disable to 200 sticky eggs in small bodies of water in empty tree cavities.
  • The males guard the eggs until they hatch into tadpoles. No records show what these tadpoles go after, but once they undergo metamorphosis, they seem of their nest and begin searching for food within the forest.
  • African tree toads kept as pets typically live up to a few to four years; however, the lifespan of those toads left within the wild remains unknown.
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